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National PTA and Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club

Financial fitness skills are increasingly important for families to develop, and it’s never too soon for kids to start learning financial basics. Entrepreneurial skills benefit students in numerous ways and lead to innovations that improve our communities and society. Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club Learn & Earn program combines financial fitness and entrepreneurship in fun, free, easy-to-access material that’s designed for kids!


Getting Started

Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club Learn & Earn materials are evergreen and available year-round online at Learn & Earn. Materials include:

Quick-Start Guide to an SMC Afterschool Club

SMC Step-by-Step

  1. Build a team: Engage parents who are entrepreneurs or in the financial industry.
  2. Access tools: Watch the fun, informative webisodes featuring an animated Warren Buffett (26 in total; each about 4 minutes long) and check out the different types of content available. Note: Classroom activities are based on the Common Core!
  3. Determine who, what, when, where:
    • Who: Promote this to families of kids in grades 3–8 using social media, school newsletters, backpack folders, etc.
    • What: After you review the materials, decided which you want to use. Show the How-To Video, host an activity session, and facilitate dialogue among families so they learn from each other
    • When & Where: You can host this as part of another PTA event or as a special program on its own. Consider using a classroom or create a moving experience in which families visit different locations in the school to experience the webisodes, activities, and so on.
    How to Start an Afterschool SMC Club

What is the “Grow Your Own Business Challenge”?

grow your own business challenge

Now in its fourth year, the “Grow Your Own Business Challenge” offers kids 7–14, individually or in teams of 2–4, the opportunity to come up with a new business idea for a chance to win fantastic prizes! Prizes include:

  • $5,000!
  • A trip with a parent/guardian and teacher/mentor to a celebration event in Omaha!
  • A chance for kids to pitch their business idea in person to Warren Buffett!
Contestants get a chance to practice financial fitness skills, entrepreneurship, creativity, problem-solving, innovation, research, perseverance, and more!

Did we mention teachers/mentors and parents win, too?

Get Kids Started with the Challenge Today!

Click here to learn more about Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club

What does Warren Buffett's Secret Millionaires Club offer parents and teachers?
